About Me

Hi my name's Kate and I'm a classical musician and English language teacher. The architects of my life and character were mental ill health and addiction. Music and nature were my solace. My survival and indeed victory, a patchwork of various gems. 

My health is the biggest thing in my life because when I feel well I sing, I dance and I laugh, it's wonderful. My suffering and ongoing recovery empowers me; forging for me a life I cherish. Others who have shared their lives with me have donated oodles of hope and love. My biggest dream is to pass on the hope, love and courage.

Ultimately I would like to write a memoir. Its conception dawned on me whilst living in London in the nineties, along with the conception came the title The First Fat Girl in Paris.

I invite you all to become my friends, read, comment, share and watch as my blog morphs into my novel.

Please contact me rain, hail or shine, happy or sad. Without the darkness, there would be no light.


1 comment:

  1. Wow Kate, awesome blog! You are such a great writer. Hope to see you again at the next writer's group! :)

    Bridget (car park gal) :)
